Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday Moving
I woke up at about noon. I went to work and moved stuff from the office to melbe's house. I ate food from that chicken place and now I'm home watching 6ft under. That's about all I did today.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wish List
All the things I would like to have in my life:
- be successful working with accounting
- happiness
- dedication
- a better body
- self love
- more money
- patience
- great friends
- peace
- strength
- develop healthy relationships
- maintain friendships with alice, candice, gemma, aisha
- be content with the things I have
- take my dogs on walks
- and awesome boyfriend
- be successful working with accounting
- happiness
- dedication
- a better body
- self love
- more money
- patience
- great friends
- peace
- strength
- develop healthy relationships
- maintain friendships with alice, candice, gemma, aisha
- be content with the things I have
- take my dogs on walks
- and awesome boyfriend
The Story of How I Became a Singer/Songwriter

I was born on May 9th in Burbank, California. I have been playing the piano since the age of 7. Though most my songs are written and performed with my guitar which I started playing when I was 14. My mother gave me a guitar on my 15 Birthday and that is when the songwriting began.
I have been performing since I was 17. It all started with a little cafĂ© called “Glaxa” in silver lake.. That is where I had my first open mic experience. Ever since then I have played all over Hollywood. I am influenced by artist with strong vocal ability and driving melodies. My influences are Billy Holiday, Carole King, Nina Simone, Stevie Nicks, Jewel, Fiona Apple, and Alanis Morrosett.
My motivations for songs come from my real life experiences with falling in love, realizing love, copping with love and loss. My music is a direct reflection on my personal life. My music will always express my thoughts, life experiences and own opinions and not what someone think I should write, feel or sing. My fans should always feel like they know me and my life and the path it is going to take.
If you would like to know more about me please feel free to e-mail me:
Or send me an instant message sometime on AOL Screen name: crislynsand7
Daily Journal
Dear Diary,
I woke up went over to melbe's house. We carpooled over to Glamour Campain. I worked from like 9 - 3:30. Went over to melbe's house cleaned up and re-arragned furniture. Then everyone came over and had dinner. I talked to Tasha I haven't seen her in like a year. I talked to Lynn on the phone. He sent me a very very very interesting email. I loved it. How I'm off to bed I guess.
Love ya,
I woke up went over to melbe's house. We carpooled over to Glamour Campain. I worked from like 9 - 3:30. Went over to melbe's house cleaned up and re-arragned furniture. Then everyone came over and had dinner. I talked to Tasha I haven't seen her in like a year. I talked to Lynn on the phone. He sent me a very very very interesting email. I loved it. How I'm off to bed I guess.
Love ya,
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Recapturing Love & Peace Prayer
Be still and know that love is here.
Be still and know that peace is here.
A quite in dwelling peace.
A perfect satisfying peace.
Peace that lies deep within the depth of being.
Peace that is the source of happiness.
May the temple of your living flesh
Be worthy of our higher desire
May of happiness and state of mind
Endear us to each other in rich degree
May our bond be ever stronger
And may our love stirring deep within us
Be ever conscious in our thoughts.
Be still and know that peace is here.
A quite in dwelling peace.
A perfect satisfying peace.
Peace that lies deep within the depth of being.
Peace that is the source of happiness.
May the temple of your living flesh
Be worthy of our higher desire
May of happiness and state of mind
Endear us to each other in rich degree
May our bond be ever stronger
And may our love stirring deep within us
Be ever conscious in our thoughts.
Summer Cleaning.
I helped paul clean up his bedroom and rearrange it. I think it was about time to clean up. There was soooo much dust everywhere totally gross. His room looks a million times better now. We cleaned everything almost. We did the bathroom and his car too. Anyways that's what I did today. Talk to you later.
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Can't sleep
I just feel like I want to write some more songs but its not coming out. I made some art piece today and hung it up over my bed to remind me of the things I want most in my life. I put it there to inspire me. I'm actually content right now in this moment. Besides the fact that I'm not sleepy. Maybe I should pick up a book and read till I doze off. Sounds like a good idea. I've been talking to lucano a lot today. He's a really good friend I should spend more time with him. He always somehow finds a way to put things in perspective for me. Its like he takes me out of my dreams and helps me focus on reality. Ill miss him when I leave los angeles. I just want more out of my life you know what I mean? I gotta call melbe tomorrow morning and tell her that we need to get more clients at work. Cause I need to make some serious cash. Dude I'm so broke right now you don't even understand... Anyways I played a little phone tag with Lynn today. When I heard the message he left it made me laugh and smile. I'm glad he enjoyed the email I sent him. Lol. I'm so strange sometimes. I feel my lifes on track though. Tom mailed me today I'm going to be in the recording studio on june 7-8. It will be a lot of fun. Oh I'm going to see Aisha on saturday night, I'm going up there to just hang and probably watched movies. I gave gemi my tickets to go see the cure for her birthday. I hope she enjoys the show.
Anyways I'm gonna finish up with my email and go to sleep.
Love ya,
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday. Boring Day.
I woke up edited video. Mailed some friends. Paul brought me lunch from jimmy deans it was pretty good. My mom has taken the next month off. Its gonna suck having her home 24/7. Yuck is all I can say. Me and paul took the dogs for a walk around the block. It was a little chilly outside though it was good to get out. I'm gonna pop in a movie here in a bit. I hope its better than the last two movies I watched the other day. My tummy still feels kinda gross today. I'm glad I don't have to work till like thursday. I don't really feel like working tomorrow. I'm super lazy today. Anyways I'll talk to you later.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Fuck off and Leave me alone.
Dude don't you get it.
I don't want you in my life.
I don't want to have anything to do with you.
You are a horrible person and a horrible friend.
You are the most fucked up person I have ever known.
You used me.
I've never hated anyone as much as I hate you.
I don't really care what happens to you in your life.
I think the world is a better place without you in it.
I don't want to be your friend.
Don't say your sorry because it doesn't matter to me.
I've moved on with my life and I suggest you do the same.
Don't call me.
Don't write me.
Don't try to re-add me on myspace or facebook.
There is a reason why you aren't on my friends list.
That is because we aren't friends as far as I am concerned.
You are the worst person I know.
Selfish, Arrogant, an Asshole.
Go fuck yourself.
Leave me alone.
Don't tell me that you don't know what you did.
Don't tell me that you do not understand why I don't want to have anything to do with you.
It's simple you fucked with me in the biggest way.
Totally wasted my time not to mention the more than 2 years of knowing you.
I wish I never meet you.
I wish I could take it all back and never have givin you the time of day.
As far as I am concerned there was never and us.
I never loved you.
I just felt sorry for you.
You where and still are pathatic.
I can't believe how much anger and hate I have towards you.
I guess I have just been hanging on to it for the longest time because I always thought that it was wrong to hate people.
But I have realized that its ok to hate and be angry becuase when people do fucked up things like you do there is no turning back.
You are just like all those fucking fake as los angeles crowd that you hate. It's people like you who want to make me move away from California.
You're scum.
You suck all the life and fun out of people.
I hope you have a miserable life.
I hope you never find any happiness.
I hope you suffer for all the fucking horrible shit you have done.
One day you will look back on all the times we spend together and you will feel sorry for all the shitty things you have done to me, but it will be way to late to save yourself from becoming your own worst nightmare.
Fuck you.
Go fuck off and leave me alone.
That's all I have to say.
I don't want you in my life.
I don't want to have anything to do with you.
You are a horrible person and a horrible friend.
You are the most fucked up person I have ever known.
You used me.
I've never hated anyone as much as I hate you.
I don't really care what happens to you in your life.
I think the world is a better place without you in it.
I don't want to be your friend.
Don't say your sorry because it doesn't matter to me.
I've moved on with my life and I suggest you do the same.
Don't call me.
Don't write me.
Don't try to re-add me on myspace or facebook.
There is a reason why you aren't on my friends list.
That is because we aren't friends as far as I am concerned.
You are the worst person I know.
Selfish, Arrogant, an Asshole.
Go fuck yourself.
Leave me alone.
Don't tell me that you don't know what you did.
Don't tell me that you do not understand why I don't want to have anything to do with you.
It's simple you fucked with me in the biggest way.
Totally wasted my time not to mention the more than 2 years of knowing you.
I wish I never meet you.
I wish I could take it all back and never have givin you the time of day.
As far as I am concerned there was never and us.
I never loved you.
I just felt sorry for you.
You where and still are pathatic.
I can't believe how much anger and hate I have towards you.
I guess I have just been hanging on to it for the longest time because I always thought that it was wrong to hate people.
But I have realized that its ok to hate and be angry becuase when people do fucked up things like you do there is no turning back.
You are just like all those fucking fake as los angeles crowd that you hate. It's people like you who want to make me move away from California.
You're scum.
You suck all the life and fun out of people.
I hope you have a miserable life.
I hope you never find any happiness.
I hope you suffer for all the fucking horrible shit you have done.
One day you will look back on all the times we spend together and you will feel sorry for all the shitty things you have done to me, but it will be way to late to save yourself from becoming your own worst nightmare.
Fuck you.
Go fuck off and leave me alone.
That's all I have to say.
Monday, May 26, 2008
My 27 Birthday
Dear Diary,
My birthday party was fun I had it on a Saturday May 10th. Some of my closest friends came to celebrate with me. It was awesome that my mom let me have the party here at my house. As far as being 27 I don't really care much for it. I felt as if it was just another day. For some reason I thought that I would have more accomplished at my age, but I guess I am still figuring it all out. Anyways so here are photos from that day. All I want for my birthday is to be happy, be free, be me.

Melbe, Me, Andrea

Jenni and Me

Me, Cynthia, My Mom

Me and David

Me and Candice

Me and Paul

Ginger and Mable

Paul BBQing

My Mom

Me eating my Birthday Cake
My birthday party was fun I had it on a Saturday May 10th. Some of my closest friends came to celebrate with me. It was awesome that my mom let me have the party here at my house. As far as being 27 I don't really care much for it. I felt as if it was just another day. For some reason I thought that I would have more accomplished at my age, but I guess I am still figuring it all out. Anyways so here are photos from that day. All I want for my birthday is to be happy, be free, be me.
Melbe, Me, Andrea
Jenni and Me
Me, Cynthia, My Mom
Me and David
Me and Candice
Me and Paul
Ginger and Mable
Paul BBQing
My Mom
Me eating my Birthday Cake
Birthday Party Sickness

So I went to my friend Nitai's birthday party and when I got there they where still making all the food. I decided that I would help out so I did. We made all sorts of appetizers and I ended up eating this pasta stuff that I thought tasted good. I went
home around 9 and when I got home I started to
get this really fucken killer headache and I had my friend massage my neck but it started to get soooooo bad that it made me nauseas and I ended up barfing it was totally gross. I came home took a shower, took some advil and passed out. I'm feeling alot better now nothing that movies and rest can't cure. It was good to go out and see people I haven't seen in a while. I hope to see more of Nitai she really is an amazing person. I feel greatful to have her in my life. I hope this year will be an awesome one for her. I wish her the best.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
My Road Trip Los Angeles - Florida w/Lynn Wilson
Dear Diary,
Me and my best friend Freddy-Lynn went on a road trip over the end of march to the beginning of April. It was one of those totally whim things that happened. I guess what made me decided to even ask lynn if he would let me go with him was the fact that I just wanted to spend alittle bit more time with him. I mean after living together for so long, I was just thinking that it would be like one little hurrah before we aren't apart of each others lives anymore. So by chance Lynn said yes I could go with him so we started off in Palms Mar Vista, California took the 10 freway all the way to florida. The trip took us 2 1/2 days to get there. Here are photos from our trip. It was one of the best times of my life. I'll always remember it.
Me and my best friend Freddy-Lynn went on a road trip over the end of march to the beginning of April. It was one of those totally whim things that happened. I guess what made me decided to even ask lynn if he would let me go with him was the fact that I just wanted to spend alittle bit more time with him. I mean after living together for so long, I was just thinking that it would be like one little hurrah before we aren't apart of each others lives anymore. So by chance Lynn said yes I could go with him so we started off in Palms Mar Vista, California took the 10 freway all the way to florida. The trip took us 2 1/2 days to get there. Here are photos from our trip. It was one of the best times of my life. I'll always remember it.
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