What are we fighting over?
I simply do not know.
You have me lost in thoughts,
I'm tossing to and fro.
Soon you will be gone,
And you'll blame this all on me.
What can I say or do,
So the mistake we both can see.
Why did you pick this fight,
With me before you go?
I'm all alone and lost,
But of this you do not know.
If you don't say goodbye,
Before you turn and leave.
What am I supposed to do,
Except to cry and grieve?!
I thought our friendship was special,
I thought it meant a lot.
If you felt the same way,
Why are we stuck in this knot?
I don't like good-byes,
But in this we have no choice.
If you won't speak to me,
the good-bye's will come from MY voice.
We've managed through other fights,
But this one's not the same.
I'm not having any fun,
And I won't to stop this game.
I'm not good at soirees,
So I'll do my best with this.
I have one last request,
It is my goodbye wish.
I wish that we were friends again,
Before WE say GOODBYE.
Now that this is off my chest,
I wait and sit and sigh.
Maybe it best this way.
Only time will tell.
If our paths should cross again,
I'd greet you with a smile.
Since wishing is not reality,
I will simply say,
I hope for you the best in life,
Our memories I'll carry with me.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
There Are Times.
There are times when words aren’t enough
feelings can’t always be put into words;
because they are inadequate and often escape us
sometimes, there are only feelings.
There are times when all you need is a look;
a silent, wordless connection between souls
an understanding that needs no translation
a natural, knowing stare that says everything.
There are times when all you need is a touch;
nothing spoken - just the gesture of reaching out
touching, silently transferring your energy
conveying something that comes from within
There are times when all you need is acceptance
to know that you are valued as you are
that any changes you make only enhance you more
as you discover yourself.
There are times when all you need is love
no conditions or demands, only simplicity.
to know that for no reason at all
another chooses you over all others.
There are times when all you ever wanted,
was to be completed by another person.
There are times when you need all of these things
there are times when nothing else matters.
feelings can’t always be put into words;
because they are inadequate and often escape us
sometimes, there are only feelings.
There are times when all you need is a look;
a silent, wordless connection between souls
an understanding that needs no translation
a natural, knowing stare that says everything.
There are times when all you need is a touch;
nothing spoken - just the gesture of reaching out
touching, silently transferring your energy
conveying something that comes from within
There are times when all you need is acceptance
to know that you are valued as you are
that any changes you make only enhance you more
as you discover yourself.
There are times when all you need is love
no conditions or demands, only simplicity.
to know that for no reason at all
another chooses you over all others.
There are times when all you ever wanted,
was to be completed by another person.
There are times when you need all of these things
there are times when nothing else matters.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I Wish To Forever Stay.
You are the one my dreams are made of,
Full of understanding,
warmth and love.
These feelings I thought for only fairy tales,
But you are the winds that fill my sails.
The honesty we share between us two,
Keeps this connection very dear and true.
We can talk about good times, talk about bad.
Talk about the present and the past that we had.
You accept me for me, for who I am.
My opinions and thoughts you never condemn.
There's nothing of me you ask or expect,
We have for each other the deepest respect.
It's truly amazing how you make my heart smile,
And you do it with such a graceful style.
Keeping my heart smiling all through the day.
And for you, I do thank God, when I pray.
You are the warmth of the sun upon my face,
You're the calm to survive the rapid race.
And when you say "Crislyn", I get butterflies,
Like a little school girl, with puppy love in her eyes.
You can melt all the tension and ease all the pain,
Making all refreshed as a cleansing spring rain.
And looking in your eyes, I can see the sunrise.
And your excited hellos, like all the Fourth of July.
And talking for hours, seems only minutes passed.
And the conversation can forever last.
Your hug, so firm, and yet so tender,
Forces all my fears to immediately surrender.
There's a bond and a trust that's so very strong.
That I feel it is with you I truly want to belong.
A feeling of security, a safe- haven if you may.
And within this dream, I wish to forever stay.
I love you with all of me.
Full of understanding,
warmth and love.
These feelings I thought for only fairy tales,
But you are the winds that fill my sails.
The honesty we share between us two,
Keeps this connection very dear and true.
We can talk about good times, talk about bad.
Talk about the present and the past that we had.
You accept me for me, for who I am.
My opinions and thoughts you never condemn.
There's nothing of me you ask or expect,
We have for each other the deepest respect.
It's truly amazing how you make my heart smile,
And you do it with such a graceful style.
Keeping my heart smiling all through the day.
And for you, I do thank God, when I pray.
You are the warmth of the sun upon my face,
You're the calm to survive the rapid race.
And when you say "Crislyn", I get butterflies,
Like a little school girl, with puppy love in her eyes.
You can melt all the tension and ease all the pain,
Making all refreshed as a cleansing spring rain.
And looking in your eyes, I can see the sunrise.
And your excited hellos, like all the Fourth of July.
And talking for hours, seems only minutes passed.
And the conversation can forever last.
Your hug, so firm, and yet so tender,
Forces all my fears to immediately surrender.
There's a bond and a trust that's so very strong.
That I feel it is with you I truly want to belong.
A feeling of security, a safe- haven if you may.
And within this dream, I wish to forever stay.
I love you with all of me.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise?
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise?
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
my everything
Your my everything..
Find me here
speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
that's leading me
to the place
Where I find peace
You are the strength
that keeps me walking
You are the hope
that keeps me trusting
You are the life
to my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything
And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
You calm the storms
and you give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You still my heart
and you take my breath away
Would you take me in
take me deeper now
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
Cause you're all I want
you're all I need
You're everything
Find me here
speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
that's leading me
to the place
Where I find peace
You are the strength
that keeps me walking
You are the hope
that keeps me trusting
You are the life
to my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything
And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
You calm the storms
and you give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You still my heart
and you take my breath away
Would you take me in
take me deeper now
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
Cause you're all I want
you're all I need
You're everything
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Because I got nothing but time!
Here are the rules - post this list on your profile (in Notes) replacing my answers with yours. Tag 25 people including me to do the same thing. Copy and paste it.
If I tagged YOU, it's because I want to know more about you but not in a weird way!
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? stephen king "christine" the car that kills people. My middle name is "Kennon" which is half from John Lennon and John F Kennedy which makes "Kennon"
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Oct 4th. I got an email and it made me sad. I probably cried for about 8-10 hours.
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Ya I do, though sometimes I can't understand what I wrote.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes. And it's a pain in the Ass.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yes I have just to feel the thrill but I would never do it again.
10. FAVORITE CEREAL? honey nut cheerios
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I dont wear shoes that require laces.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip & Rocky Road.
13. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Their eyes and how in shape they are.
14. RED OR PINK? Red.
15. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I can be alittle too self involved.
16. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Probably my father & grandma.
17. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO COMPLETE THIS LIST? No. But if they want to great!
18. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I'm not wearing any so I guess my answer would be flesh color or nude lol.
21. FAVORITE SMELLS? Pumpkin pie, After it rains, the Smell of in&out french fries.
23. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Yes I <3 Aisha! She's the coolest friend ever! ever! ever~
24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? EEWWWWWWW gross. Maybe Figure skating.
25. HAIR COLOR? Black/Dark Brown.
26. EYE COLOR? Brown.
27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? YEs when I don't want to wear my glasses.
28. FAVORITE FOOD? American. Burgers & Pizza.
29. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings, cause that's what my life is missing.
30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Legally Blonde. lol what can i say I was in a hotel.
32. SUMMER or WINTER? Winter cause it's time to cuddle.
33. HUGS OR KISSES? Kisses.
39. FAVORITE SOUND(S): Rain falling, Sex Noises, Laughter.
42. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Play the guitar, Sing, Figure Skate, Bike Ride. Love's making out.
If I tagged YOU, it's because I want to know more about you but not in a weird way!
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? stephen king "christine" the car that kills people. My middle name is "Kennon" which is half from John Lennon and John F Kennedy which makes "Kennon"
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Oct 4th. I got an email and it made me sad. I probably cried for about 8-10 hours.
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Ya I do, though sometimes I can't understand what I wrote.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes. And it's a pain in the Ass.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yes I have just to feel the thrill but I would never do it again.
10. FAVORITE CEREAL? honey nut cheerios
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I dont wear shoes that require laces.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip & Rocky Road.
13. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Their eyes and how in shape they are.
14. RED OR PINK? Red.
15. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I can be alittle too self involved.
16. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Probably my father & grandma.
17. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO COMPLETE THIS LIST? No. But if they want to great!
18. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I'm not wearing any so I guess my answer would be flesh color or nude lol.
21. FAVORITE SMELLS? Pumpkin pie, After it rains, the Smell of in&out french fries.
23. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Yes I <3 Aisha! She's the coolest friend ever! ever! ever~
24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? EEWWWWWWW gross. Maybe Figure skating.
25. HAIR COLOR? Black/Dark Brown.
26. EYE COLOR? Brown.
27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? YEs when I don't want to wear my glasses.
28. FAVORITE FOOD? American. Burgers & Pizza.
29. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings, cause that's what my life is missing.
30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Legally Blonde. lol what can i say I was in a hotel.
32. SUMMER or WINTER? Winter cause it's time to cuddle.
33. HUGS OR KISSES? Kisses.
39. FAVORITE SOUND(S): Rain falling, Sex Noises, Laughter.
42. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Play the guitar, Sing, Figure Skate, Bike Ride. Love's making out.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
my heart ran
i was reading poems tonight and i came across some dickinson, so i started to paint.

My Heart ran so to thee
It would not wait for me
And I affronted grew
And drew away
For whatsoe'er my pace
He first achieve they Face
How general a Grace
Allotted two --
Not in malignity
Mentioned I this to thee --
Had he obliquity
Soonest to share
But for the Greed of him --
Boasting my Premium --
Basking in Bethleem
Ere I be there --
-Emily Dickinson
My Heart ran so to thee
It would not wait for me
And I affronted grew
And drew away
For whatsoe'er my pace
He first achieve they Face
How general a Grace
Allotted two --
Not in malignity
Mentioned I this to thee --
Had he obliquity
Soonest to share
But for the Greed of him --
Boasting my Premium --
Basking in Bethleem
Ere I be there --
-Emily Dickinson
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Trip to North Carolina
June 30, 2009
I landed in Charlotte @ 5:30am and walked around the airport to find the terminal that my next connecting flight would be leaving from. It surprises me how it's always at the other end of the airport and I have to walk so far carrying my heavy bag. So strange as I was walking around I noticed that there where white rocking chairs everywhere with people sitting on them. I guess that's just a little hint that I'm in the south right? Well I wasn't going to leave for at least 4.5 hours so I decided to take a nap on one of the chairs. Every time I started to dose off some teenager would come and sit right behind me and start talking really loudly or making the whole row of chairs start to shake so I didn't have much luck trying to sleep so I gave up and went on a mission to go find something to eat. I settled for a cinnabon place that I found and it smelled really good and looked really good too. But it ended up tasting like crap. I guess I'm just so used to McDonalds Cinnamelts that this supposed cinnabon tasted way undercooked some parts where all doughy it was hard to eat. So I guess my mission-failed lol. So I went back to my gate and tried one more time to sleep. When I woke I was happy to hear that m next flight was boarding so I anxiously got on the plane very eager to make it to Asheville. I got on the plane sat down and the captain announced that the plane would take off soon so I was happy that in under and hour I would get to see Christopher. Well I ended up sitting on the runway for a while cause apparently in Charlotte they have a lot of planes take off and only one runway so we ended up waiting in line for all the other planes to take off. I think we waited probably about an hour but when the plane finally did take off it was only like a 20 min flight. I really like the smaller planes because you can feel it move more and I enjoy that feeling plus it doesn't fly as high as the other planes so my ears don't hurt. Anyways when I landed in Asheville Christopher was there ready to greet me. He helped me with my bags and we went to the car. When we got there I noticed he had a hand picked flower for me on the seat. I thought that was sweet but only realized that he had bought me some roses and was only trying to distract me with the hand picks flowers so I wouldn't notice the other ones. It was so sweet 3 red roses one yellow and another kind of flowers that I forget the name of. When went on our way back to Burnsville and stopped over at Weaverville to eat at a waffle house and have some breakfast. It was really good the waffles where really creamy tasting and the hashbrowns where delicious I really liked it and was glad we ate there. After breakfast or lunch or whatever it was we went over to Ingles, which is like a Vons or Ralphs. We did a little bit of grocery shopping and rented the move Ink heart. Then made it back to the car and where off the Christopher’s house somewhere near Burnsville. When we got there I was still really tired so we took a nap. When we woke up he we where kind of hungry so we decided to grill/bbq some dinner. While we where waiting for the coals to get hot he wanted me to go and meet his neighbors Ben & Cassie and their daughter Aspen so we walked over to there house. They are really nice people very friendly I like them. Ben blows glass for a living and makes these really cool beads, which then Cassie strings them on a necklace, and choices beads that compliment the glass work. We walked back up to Christopher’s house and I ate some steak & salad and Chris has a veggie burger. Then Cassie & Aspen came up to join us. I gave Aspen some bubble gum she loves that stuff and Cassie showed me some necklaces I ended up finding on that I really liked and Chris got it for me. Since me and Christopher and celebrating our year anniversary together we got each other presents. He got me some headphones and a Microphone so that I can start to record my tunes and he can show me how to use Garage Band. I love the presents. I ended up getting him a Digatec Jamman looping pedal thing. He's wanted it for a while so I thought it would be a nice present for him. Afterwards it was getting kind of late so I decided to take a bath and relax a bit the bath was so warm that it was hard for me to sit in it for very long. While I was waiting for the water to cool down I was looking out the window and that is when I noticed all these little fireflies glowing all over the place. I never knew that fireflies really existed. It was so magical to see them fly all over the place. I loved watching them. Christopher joined me in the bath and we washed each other and just talked about our day and stuff. We where both very tired so we relaxed a bit then Afterwards he baked me some sugar cookies which where awesome I loved them, and then we decided to watch that movie that we rented. We went upstairs and cuddled and watched part of that movie. But I ended up falling asleep so we didn't get to watch all of it. It felt so good to sleep in his arms; you know I forget sometimes what it feels like because we spend so much time apart. But it was wonderful.
July 1, 2009
I woke up at about 1:00 and decided that I had to take some Claratin and my nose spray because it felt a little congested. When Christopher woke up I asked him if he could make me some waffles with blueberries so he did. While he was cooking I took a shower and got ready. We ate together and afterwards I decided that I wanted to go for a walk and enjoy the quite of the morning I found a little White chair to sit at by his clothing line. And I'm just enjoying the sun and the sounds of birds and the rustle of wind thru the tree leaves it is very relaxing. I'm enjoying my time here. It's a good day so far. When I walked back up to the house I noticed Christopher was planting some plants so I thought it would be a good time to plant the Four Leaf Clovers that I got for him. But we ended up having to wait cause the four-leaf clover stuff had to soak the dirt pelets in water for 24 hours. Cassie, Ben & Aspen came over and ate blueberry pancakes that Chris made. We all hung out for a while with Ben, Cassie, and Aspen. They where telling us all about a waterfall just 6 miles up the road so we decided to go check it out. We found it! It was so pretty and nice the air smells so good. We walked down the trail and put our feet in the water it was very chilly.
Now we decided to go for a little drive to the near by town of Burnsville we looked around a bit. Went to burger king I had some chicken tenders and we went over to the CVS to get some bug spray then got some soda pop for 25cents mmmm grape soda. We made a pit stop at pizza hut now we are diving back to the house beautiful winding roads and we'll probably catch the sunset along the way. When we got back to the house Chris made some zucchini and we ate and watched the rest of the movie Ink heart. Then we went down to visit with Cassie, Ben, and Aspen. I gave Aspen the crown I got from burger king for her she liked it. We ate some watermelon and I saw Ben blow some glass it was cool, I chatted a bit with Cassie about dogs and weather and how I have never see fire flies before I got to leave I'd like it if Christopher would catch some fireflies with me before I leave. Aspen was jumping all over the place cute kid. Now we are just chilling out in the living room we finally finished that Ink heart while eating some sugar cookies. Then we went upstairs for a while and I took a nice relaxing bubble bath again. Oh man how I love the bathtub, I think I feel like I'm starting to really enjoy the relaxing atmosphere up here. It's very peaceful, laid back and chill. Totally unlike Los Angeles. I'm starting to view this place as my little personal get-a-way from the stress of my life in LA. I feel like maybe this is a place I'd like to live someday maybe. I could see myself here. I really enjoy it. Anyways now we are just laying in the bed listening to some music it's about 12:16am right now here while back homes it's only like 9:17pm. I don’t know if I'm sleepy enough to sleep right now. I'm tired for sure it was a very good day. Happy, relaxing, beautiful I love Christopher so much. Lying in the bed next to him it just feels so right. It’s been almost a year and I still get butterflies in my stomach. It's great to be in love ;) Anyways I'm going to try and go to sleep night.
July 2, 2009
I woke up in the middle of the night and I scratched myself really bad. I just have a little few bug bites but not nearly as much as to scratch myself in my sleep. Anyways we are up now Christopher’s making some cream of wheat and I'm trying to play on my computer but it's not starting up right. I hope it's not broken. I'm hungry. We ate breakfast together and then Christopher put some bug stuff on me to stop the itching and now I'm playing with some garage band stuff for the first time. I really am glad that Christopher has taking some time to show me how this Garageband stuff works, because I've been wanting to learn how to use it for a while, but I've always been intimidated by the complexity of trying to learn how to use a new thing myself that I never tried before. But since Christopher has been working in it for a while because he got hired to write music for this recycling add I figured that maybe he would be interested in showing me how to use it. Plus when we showed me a couple little clips that he had made I thought it sounded really cool and it inspired me to at least try to use it. Besides now I have the tools to experiment with it now. We got hungry after a while so I made some Mac & cheese with tuna and vegetables I wanted to try and cook alittle something for Christopher because he's normally the one always cooking for me, and I wanted to do something nice for him to show him that I appreciated him. After we ate lunch I went up stairs to read alittle bit of my books that I brought with me. While reading my book upstairs in the bedroom I smelled that Chris had melted the mash mellows I wanted to mix in the rice crispy so I did and put them in the pan. I love RiceCrispy treats, I'm so glad that we bought all the ingrediance to make it. I haven't had them in soooo long. It'll be great to get to eat some. So while I was waiting for the RiceCrispy Treats to cool down, I took a shower and blow dried my hair and decided it was time to get ready because we are going to head to Asheville tonight because Christopher has work tomorrow in town. And we are going to stay at a hostel for the next couple of nights. I hope it's nice, clean, pretty and relaxing. Now I am just waiting around for Christopher so we can go to Ashville. Yay! I thought we'd never leave the house Christopher took a while packing up. We dropped the mangos & richcrispy treats off to the neighbors but they were not home. We on our way to Ashville we might go see a movie if we get there before 10. I had fun learning how to use garage band. We got to the hostel at about 9:30 or so it looks pretty nice right now we are going to eat Chinese food I hope it's good then we're going to see the hangover. The hangover was funny! I enjoyed the movie. Now we are back at the hostel. I guess it's time for sleep. Goodnight.
July 3,2009
I just woke up at like 12:00pm over in the hostel in Ashville. Christopher went off to work earlie this morning, and luckily for me he is only about 3 houses away from the hostel that we are staying at. I guess I'll eat some breakfast and the try to do a little work or record some songs for a bit or something like that. I decided it was a good idea to work because I have a deadline on the 17th and I don't want to fall too behind. As I was working some new people that where going to stay at the hostel checked in, It was this guy named Tony who came up by himself to visit Asheville for the weekend since it's a holiday this weekend. Christopher messages me they are probably going to eat lunch around 2:00pm or so I may walk over there and join them but I'm not sure yet. Ok times to go eat some rice crispy treats and try to do a little work. I worked for about and hour and then walked over to Christopher’s work and grabbed some lunch fried chicken and beans and slaw then I went back to the hostel and worked for about 2 hours. While I was working more people that where going to stay at the hostel Checked in they where a nice young couple about 20 years old there names where Elijah & Paten. After I talked to them for a while I decided that I really wanted some ice cream so I decided to go for a walk and find some, which I did now I’m at Asheville fudge, smells good at least. I got some sweet cream, vanilla, birthday cake with Oreos it's yummy. The side of my ice cream container says, "find happiness within" I thought that was cute. I walked over to Pattingson park. There's a drum circle going on. Now I'm just sitting on a park bench listening to the drum circle stuff. I find it relaxing here to get to see all these people gathered together to play drums and make music together. It's amazing how friendly people are out here. So different from anything I've ever known. After about and hour or so I decided it was time to walk back to the hostel, I decided to take the route on Church Street because I was wondering why they call it Church Street, Maybe there's alot of churches on it? Well I wanna go find out. Man there are a lot of churches on the street I counted about 8 at least in only a 4 block radius. I went back to the hostel and played around with a little garage band recording that stuff. Christopher ended up coming back at about 6:45. We walked over to Barleys Pizza place because his coworkers all decided to have alittle drink after working all day together. While the guys where going to grab some drinks and I decided to order a slice of pizza cause that sounds good and I was starting to get alittle hungry. Now I'm going to go back to the hostel and rest up a bit. I'm kind of tired I need to find some kind of Tums or something my heartburn hurts at least that's what I think it is. I ate my pizza it was yummy I enjoyed it. The people at the hostel all came home at about the same time so I decided to go out in the living room and talked to Tony, Elijah & Paten for a bit. Christopher came home earlier then I expected, we where planning to go out and see the beatles cover band play out tonight at the OrangePeal or whatever the clubs called but and we just hung out and Christopher decided to slept early, so I played a little bit with my computer and went to sleep around 1:00am.
July 4,2009
I woke up took a shower packed up all our stuff and Christopher made me pancakes and we drove around Asheville and decided to drive thru the blue ridge parkway and enjoy the day out in nature. We stopped up at craggy gardens and walked up the path. It was such a nice view once we hiked up the path. The views where breathtaking. On the way up I was complaining alittle because Christopher wasn't stopping at any of the overlooks. And I had noooo idea that the reason we wheren't pulling over was because Christopher was planning to take me to the best view of the BlueRidge Parking. I was totally taken by surprise. I didn't expected it to be alittle hike up the mountain with beautiful views. I'm glad that Christopher knows his way around this place. I'm greatful that he takes the time to show me great little treasures like this view. I've never seen anything like it. I think I'm starting to fall in love with his place. So green and full of life, and the air. Wow it smells soooo good especially from way up here. After we took all the photos we wanted we hiked back down the hill and decided to go home. We stopped at the visitor center to get a map and figure which way we where going to take to get back home. We decided to take the senaic route because it's such a nice day. It's the Fourth of July we are up at about 5592 elevations it's pretty high up. Christopher and I made some sandwiches and ate a little bit then of course he went to go pee on the wilderness lol because there isn't a bathroom around for miles! Now we going for a longer drive back to Burnsville. It was a nice relaxing drive thru the forest. When we got to Burnsville we went to the market I got some ice cream and then we drove home. When we got home we took a little nap then tried to bake cookies but we weren’t running into any luck so now we are going to eat some low main Chinese food then go visit the neighbors since they had invited Christopher over for a 4th of July BBQ. We went over to Donna & Georges house and gave them some fire works we didn't stay long because we both wheren't up to socializing much and we wanted to spend sometime alone and relax since we had been travelling all day. So came home made dinner I had eggs and raisin bread then we lighted some fireworks off, It was so much fun. The people camping at the Cane River where making noises when our fireworks went off it was pretty funny. Now Christopher is making nachos I guess where going to watch the golden child with Eddie Murphy I don't rememeber ever seeing it. But maybe I was really young or somethine like that. I hope it's a funny as the cover is lol!. Wow that moview was a crack up. The 80's music is so corny but I enjoyed it anways :). I decided it was time to take a bath/shower and now I'm ready to sleep. ;)
July 5, 2009
I woke up at about 10:30am and found the Christopher was already awake and up. He was making some fliers for his shows coming up in Los Angeles at the end of July. We decided to have a little breakfast, French toast and sausage and then decided to take a nap just a little bit longer. When I woke up I noticed that Chrisophter had hand picked me some wildflowers from the garden around his house. They where really pretty. I enjoyed them. I was hungry when we woke up so I grilled a ham and cheese sandwich then I started to play a little guitar trying to learn this song for my uncles wedding Saturday. Christopher is working down stairs then we are thinking about driving over to Bristol, VA to watch a movie and spend the night up there because tomorrow we plan o visit Christopher’s mom and grandma over in Forest, VA. So we'll see how long Christopher takes to get ready. At about 8pm we started to drive over to Bristol VA to see the movie Public Enimies with Johnny Depp, It looks like it will be pretty good. While on the drive up I decided to play my Sim3 game on my iphone. Its so handy to have. Because this drive is taking a while so I have something to entertain me. I reserved a room before we left, we are planning on checking in at the hotel first then going off to see the moview. We'll see how long it takes to get there but I don't think the movie starts till 10:10 or so we should have enough time. We ate pizza in the car for dinner. We cooked it before we left the house so we would have time to make it. It only took us about 45 mins to get to Bristol, VA we checked in and then headed over to the movies we saw public enemies it was pretty good. Now we are back at the Microtel Inn getting ready for bed.
July 6,2009
We woke up from the Microtel Inn & Suites I went down stairs and grabbed a bagel and some muffins because I was really hungry. After I ate I went back to sleep beside Christopher, we cuddled a bit and I feel asleep. But I was startled when I woke up because my alarm was set for 10:45 and we had to check out at 11. I jumped out of bed so fast because I wanted to be able to take a shower because today we where going to be driving to Forest, VA and I was going to meet his mom and grandma for the first time so I wanted to look nice an presentable. Christopher got ready and the maid started banging on the door. Then a few mins later the Front Desk Called us to remind us that we had to check out soon. Man talk about pushy. Anyways we checked out now we are headed out on the road to Forest Virginia. I played my Sims3 game some more while we drove up there. We stopped in Wytheville to get some gas and tape up the front light and we ate at another waffle house I had biscuits and sausage gravy it was yummy and we are back on the road and listing to Ryan Adams Gold album and I'm going to play my Sims game. The countryside is pretty and green. We stopped at a food lion and bought flowers then headed down the road and stopped at a truck stop to use the bathroom now we are about an hour away from the house. I meet Marlene and Arlene we looked thru catalogues made food I had a grilled salami and we snacked on stuff and watched true blood since it was still early. We ended up walking the dogs around the little town, they have lakes all over this place. It looks like a great vacation place to live, really nice and quite and not to far from civilization. The dogs where funny Johnny Cash and Mango are a crack up. While Molly just limps around, I guess its normal for old dogs to be so slow. But at least Molly still has spirit. When we got back to the house we snacked, watched the rest of true blood & watech a couple new episodes of Nurse Jackie. It was pretty entertaining. I liked spending time with Christopher and his Mom Marlene. She's a really nice lady. She seemed to really like the Four Leaf Clover plant that I gave them as a Hello Gift. Anyways after watching alot of TV we went to bed around 1:00am.
July 7, 2009
Today is me and Christophers 1 year aniversary and we are in Forest, VA at his grandmothers house. When I woke up there was sounds of people walking all throughout the house cause Arlene was going to be delivered her wheelchair today. I sleep really well. I headed upstairs to see what we where going to do about breakfast because I was really hungry. I didn't want to bother anyone with any cooking so I had cream of wheat with some fruit. I ate my breakfast in the patio area with Arlene and Christopher while Marlene was doing things in the kitchen. I told Arlene that we would try to play a couple of songs for her before we left. When I was finshed with breakfast I took a shower and then we packed up our stuff because today we are going to head back to North Carolina. When Arlene got up from her nap we played a little guitar and had a concert for them. I think they enjoyed Christopher and me playing for them. I gave Arlene a CD of my music before I left so they would have a chance to listen to it. We loaded up all our things in the car, then put the dogs in the car and are now on our way back to Burnsville, NC. We pulled over cause Christopher needed to stretch his legs and I needed to pee. We stopped at a truck stop to use the bathroom now we are going to snack on some food at Wendy’s. On the car ride home I just played my Sims3 game and occasionally took some photos of the road along the way. We stopped at a gas station so I a use the bathroom now we are back on the road. We just crossed the Tennessee Boarder and are about an hour away from the house. We stopped at an el matador near Johnson City too use the bathroom and Christopher got something to eat. When we got home we where exaugsted because the roadtrip took about 5 hours back to the house. I know that it's our aniversary and everything but since I wasn't feeling so good I just thought it would be a good idea to just stay home and rest. I watched a little OC upstairs while Christopher worked on things around the house. Then Christopher surprised me with a flower and some breakfast in bed. He made me some French toast and that's what we had for dinner. Afterwards we took another relaxing bath together and then he gave me a really relaxing anniversary massage and I felt wonderful and then went to sleep.
July 8,2009
We both seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of bed so I decided to stayed asleep until I felt better. I ended up waking up around 2:00pm in the afternoon and Christopher went out and picked me some flowers and we decided to start the day all over again. Right now Christopher is down stairs making me some blur berry pancakes I can smell them they smell really good. I ate my breakfast/lunch and now I'm up stairs and going to watch some OC and relax. We went for a little walk around his house just to get out and smell the nice mountain air. Christopher made us lunch rice, beans, and corn it was pretty good then Ben, Cassie, and Aspen came over for a bit and we all ate ice cream then they left and we watched a movie and went to sleep.
July 9, 2009
We woke up late and then Christopher made me some raisin bread and we ate some cereal I packed up my things so that it would all fit and it did thank god. Then we decided to take a bath together and enjoy what little time we have left together to spend. Then Christopher warmed up the rice & beans and we ate that for lunch and then got ready to go to the Asheville airport. On the way down to the airport we had to sit in 50min traffic cause they are doing some road construction that really sucked I was nervous about missing my flight. We got to the airport at about 5:30pm they let me board but I wasn't able to take my guitar with me because it was too late to check things into the plane. But at least I was able to make my flight! So I kissed Christopher goodbye and ran off to my plane with only 10mins before they take off. I made it on and we flew over to Houston. The Flight only took about 1.5 hours and when I got to Houston, TX it was such a pain because the terminal that I was leaving out of was like on the opposite side of the airport. I made it thought and my flight boarded at like 8:30pm. I landed in Los Angeles at about 10:25; Nitai came and picked me up from the airport. I got to my car and then drove home and said hello to my doggies and my mom and went to bed.
I landed in Charlotte @ 5:30am and walked around the airport to find the terminal that my next connecting flight would be leaving from. It surprises me how it's always at the other end of the airport and I have to walk so far carrying my heavy bag. So strange as I was walking around I noticed that there where white rocking chairs everywhere with people sitting on them. I guess that's just a little hint that I'm in the south right? Well I wasn't going to leave for at least 4.5 hours so I decided to take a nap on one of the chairs. Every time I started to dose off some teenager would come and sit right behind me and start talking really loudly or making the whole row of chairs start to shake so I didn't have much luck trying to sleep so I gave up and went on a mission to go find something to eat. I settled for a cinnabon place that I found and it smelled really good and looked really good too. But it ended up tasting like crap. I guess I'm just so used to McDonalds Cinnamelts that this supposed cinnabon tasted way undercooked some parts where all doughy it was hard to eat. So I guess my mission-failed lol. So I went back to my gate and tried one more time to sleep. When I woke I was happy to hear that m next flight was boarding so I anxiously got on the plane very eager to make it to Asheville. I got on the plane sat down and the captain announced that the plane would take off soon so I was happy that in under and hour I would get to see Christopher. Well I ended up sitting on the runway for a while cause apparently in Charlotte they have a lot of planes take off and only one runway so we ended up waiting in line for all the other planes to take off. I think we waited probably about an hour but when the plane finally did take off it was only like a 20 min flight. I really like the smaller planes because you can feel it move more and I enjoy that feeling plus it doesn't fly as high as the other planes so my ears don't hurt. Anyways when I landed in Asheville Christopher was there ready to greet me. He helped me with my bags and we went to the car. When we got there I noticed he had a hand picked flower for me on the seat. I thought that was sweet but only realized that he had bought me some roses and was only trying to distract me with the hand picks flowers so I wouldn't notice the other ones. It was so sweet 3 red roses one yellow and another kind of flowers that I forget the name of. When went on our way back to Burnsville and stopped over at Weaverville to eat at a waffle house and have some breakfast. It was really good the waffles where really creamy tasting and the hashbrowns where delicious I really liked it and was glad we ate there. After breakfast or lunch or whatever it was we went over to Ingles, which is like a Vons or Ralphs. We did a little bit of grocery shopping and rented the move Ink heart. Then made it back to the car and where off the Christopher’s house somewhere near Burnsville. When we got there I was still really tired so we took a nap. When we woke up he we where kind of hungry so we decided to grill/bbq some dinner. While we where waiting for the coals to get hot he wanted me to go and meet his neighbors Ben & Cassie and their daughter Aspen so we walked over to there house. They are really nice people very friendly I like them. Ben blows glass for a living and makes these really cool beads, which then Cassie strings them on a necklace, and choices beads that compliment the glass work. We walked back up to Christopher’s house and I ate some steak & salad and Chris has a veggie burger. Then Cassie & Aspen came up to join us. I gave Aspen some bubble gum she loves that stuff and Cassie showed me some necklaces I ended up finding on that I really liked and Chris got it for me. Since me and Christopher and celebrating our year anniversary together we got each other presents. He got me some headphones and a Microphone so that I can start to record my tunes and he can show me how to use Garage Band. I love the presents. I ended up getting him a Digatec Jamman looping pedal thing. He's wanted it for a while so I thought it would be a nice present for him. Afterwards it was getting kind of late so I decided to take a bath and relax a bit the bath was so warm that it was hard for me to sit in it for very long. While I was waiting for the water to cool down I was looking out the window and that is when I noticed all these little fireflies glowing all over the place. I never knew that fireflies really existed. It was so magical to see them fly all over the place. I loved watching them. Christopher joined me in the bath and we washed each other and just talked about our day and stuff. We where both very tired so we relaxed a bit then Afterwards he baked me some sugar cookies which where awesome I loved them, and then we decided to watch that movie that we rented. We went upstairs and cuddled and watched part of that movie. But I ended up falling asleep so we didn't get to watch all of it. It felt so good to sleep in his arms; you know I forget sometimes what it feels like because we spend so much time apart. But it was wonderful.
July 1, 2009
I woke up at about 1:00 and decided that I had to take some Claratin and my nose spray because it felt a little congested. When Christopher woke up I asked him if he could make me some waffles with blueberries so he did. While he was cooking I took a shower and got ready. We ate together and afterwards I decided that I wanted to go for a walk and enjoy the quite of the morning I found a little White chair to sit at by his clothing line. And I'm just enjoying the sun and the sounds of birds and the rustle of wind thru the tree leaves it is very relaxing. I'm enjoying my time here. It's a good day so far. When I walked back up to the house I noticed Christopher was planting some plants so I thought it would be a good time to plant the Four Leaf Clovers that I got for him. But we ended up having to wait cause the four-leaf clover stuff had to soak the dirt pelets in water for 24 hours. Cassie, Ben & Aspen came over and ate blueberry pancakes that Chris made. We all hung out for a while with Ben, Cassie, and Aspen. They where telling us all about a waterfall just 6 miles up the road so we decided to go check it out. We found it! It was so pretty and nice the air smells so good. We walked down the trail and put our feet in the water it was very chilly.
Now we decided to go for a little drive to the near by town of Burnsville we looked around a bit. Went to burger king I had some chicken tenders and we went over to the CVS to get some bug spray then got some soda pop for 25cents mmmm grape soda. We made a pit stop at pizza hut now we are diving back to the house beautiful winding roads and we'll probably catch the sunset along the way. When we got back to the house Chris made some zucchini and we ate and watched the rest of the movie Ink heart. Then we went down to visit with Cassie, Ben, and Aspen. I gave Aspen the crown I got from burger king for her she liked it. We ate some watermelon and I saw Ben blow some glass it was cool, I chatted a bit with Cassie about dogs and weather and how I have never see fire flies before I got to leave I'd like it if Christopher would catch some fireflies with me before I leave. Aspen was jumping all over the place cute kid. Now we are just chilling out in the living room we finally finished that Ink heart while eating some sugar cookies. Then we went upstairs for a while and I took a nice relaxing bubble bath again. Oh man how I love the bathtub, I think I feel like I'm starting to really enjoy the relaxing atmosphere up here. It's very peaceful, laid back and chill. Totally unlike Los Angeles. I'm starting to view this place as my little personal get-a-way from the stress of my life in LA. I feel like maybe this is a place I'd like to live someday maybe. I could see myself here. I really enjoy it. Anyways now we are just laying in the bed listening to some music it's about 12:16am right now here while back homes it's only like 9:17pm. I don’t know if I'm sleepy enough to sleep right now. I'm tired for sure it was a very good day. Happy, relaxing, beautiful I love Christopher so much. Lying in the bed next to him it just feels so right. It’s been almost a year and I still get butterflies in my stomach. It's great to be in love ;) Anyways I'm going to try and go to sleep night.
July 2, 2009
I woke up in the middle of the night and I scratched myself really bad. I just have a little few bug bites but not nearly as much as to scratch myself in my sleep. Anyways we are up now Christopher’s making some cream of wheat and I'm trying to play on my computer but it's not starting up right. I hope it's not broken. I'm hungry. We ate breakfast together and then Christopher put some bug stuff on me to stop the itching and now I'm playing with some garage band stuff for the first time. I really am glad that Christopher has taking some time to show me how this Garageband stuff works, because I've been wanting to learn how to use it for a while, but I've always been intimidated by the complexity of trying to learn how to use a new thing myself that I never tried before. But since Christopher has been working in it for a while because he got hired to write music for this recycling add I figured that maybe he would be interested in showing me how to use it. Plus when we showed me a couple little clips that he had made I thought it sounded really cool and it inspired me to at least try to use it. Besides now I have the tools to experiment with it now. We got hungry after a while so I made some Mac & cheese with tuna and vegetables I wanted to try and cook alittle something for Christopher because he's normally the one always cooking for me, and I wanted to do something nice for him to show him that I appreciated him. After we ate lunch I went up stairs to read alittle bit of my books that I brought with me. While reading my book upstairs in the bedroom I smelled that Chris had melted the mash mellows I wanted to mix in the rice crispy so I did and put them in the pan. I love RiceCrispy treats, I'm so glad that we bought all the ingrediance to make it. I haven't had them in soooo long. It'll be great to get to eat some. So while I was waiting for the RiceCrispy Treats to cool down, I took a shower and blow dried my hair and decided it was time to get ready because we are going to head to Asheville tonight because Christopher has work tomorrow in town. And we are going to stay at a hostel for the next couple of nights. I hope it's nice, clean, pretty and relaxing. Now I am just waiting around for Christopher so we can go to Ashville. Yay! I thought we'd never leave the house Christopher took a while packing up. We dropped the mangos & richcrispy treats off to the neighbors but they were not home. We on our way to Ashville we might go see a movie if we get there before 10. I had fun learning how to use garage band. We got to the hostel at about 9:30 or so it looks pretty nice right now we are going to eat Chinese food I hope it's good then we're going to see the hangover. The hangover was funny! I enjoyed the movie. Now we are back at the hostel. I guess it's time for sleep. Goodnight.
July 3,2009
I just woke up at like 12:00pm over in the hostel in Ashville. Christopher went off to work earlie this morning, and luckily for me he is only about 3 houses away from the hostel that we are staying at. I guess I'll eat some breakfast and the try to do a little work or record some songs for a bit or something like that. I decided it was a good idea to work because I have a deadline on the 17th and I don't want to fall too behind. As I was working some new people that where going to stay at the hostel checked in, It was this guy named Tony who came up by himself to visit Asheville for the weekend since it's a holiday this weekend. Christopher messages me they are probably going to eat lunch around 2:00pm or so I may walk over there and join them but I'm not sure yet. Ok times to go eat some rice crispy treats and try to do a little work. I worked for about and hour and then walked over to Christopher’s work and grabbed some lunch fried chicken and beans and slaw then I went back to the hostel and worked for about 2 hours. While I was working more people that where going to stay at the hostel Checked in they where a nice young couple about 20 years old there names where Elijah & Paten. After I talked to them for a while I decided that I really wanted some ice cream so I decided to go for a walk and find some, which I did now I’m at Asheville fudge, smells good at least. I got some sweet cream, vanilla, birthday cake with Oreos it's yummy. The side of my ice cream container says, "find happiness within" I thought that was cute. I walked over to Pattingson park. There's a drum circle going on. Now I'm just sitting on a park bench listening to the drum circle stuff. I find it relaxing here to get to see all these people gathered together to play drums and make music together. It's amazing how friendly people are out here. So different from anything I've ever known. After about and hour or so I decided it was time to walk back to the hostel, I decided to take the route on Church Street because I was wondering why they call it Church Street, Maybe there's alot of churches on it? Well I wanna go find out. Man there are a lot of churches on the street I counted about 8 at least in only a 4 block radius. I went back to the hostel and played around with a little garage band recording that stuff. Christopher ended up coming back at about 6:45. We walked over to Barleys Pizza place because his coworkers all decided to have alittle drink after working all day together. While the guys where going to grab some drinks and I decided to order a slice of pizza cause that sounds good and I was starting to get alittle hungry. Now I'm going to go back to the hostel and rest up a bit. I'm kind of tired I need to find some kind of Tums or something my heartburn hurts at least that's what I think it is. I ate my pizza it was yummy I enjoyed it. The people at the hostel all came home at about the same time so I decided to go out in the living room and talked to Tony, Elijah & Paten for a bit. Christopher came home earlier then I expected, we where planning to go out and see the beatles cover band play out tonight at the OrangePeal or whatever the clubs called but and we just hung out and Christopher decided to slept early, so I played a little bit with my computer and went to sleep around 1:00am.
July 4,2009
I woke up took a shower packed up all our stuff and Christopher made me pancakes and we drove around Asheville and decided to drive thru the blue ridge parkway and enjoy the day out in nature. We stopped up at craggy gardens and walked up the path. It was such a nice view once we hiked up the path. The views where breathtaking. On the way up I was complaining alittle because Christopher wasn't stopping at any of the overlooks. And I had noooo idea that the reason we wheren't pulling over was because Christopher was planning to take me to the best view of the BlueRidge Parking. I was totally taken by surprise. I didn't expected it to be alittle hike up the mountain with beautiful views. I'm glad that Christopher knows his way around this place. I'm greatful that he takes the time to show me great little treasures like this view. I've never seen anything like it. I think I'm starting to fall in love with his place. So green and full of life, and the air. Wow it smells soooo good especially from way up here. After we took all the photos we wanted we hiked back down the hill and decided to go home. We stopped at the visitor center to get a map and figure which way we where going to take to get back home. We decided to take the senaic route because it's such a nice day. It's the Fourth of July we are up at about 5592 elevations it's pretty high up. Christopher and I made some sandwiches and ate a little bit then of course he went to go pee on the wilderness lol because there isn't a bathroom around for miles! Now we going for a longer drive back to Burnsville. It was a nice relaxing drive thru the forest. When we got to Burnsville we went to the market I got some ice cream and then we drove home. When we got home we took a little nap then tried to bake cookies but we weren’t running into any luck so now we are going to eat some low main Chinese food then go visit the neighbors since they had invited Christopher over for a 4th of July BBQ. We went over to Donna & Georges house and gave them some fire works we didn't stay long because we both wheren't up to socializing much and we wanted to spend sometime alone and relax since we had been travelling all day. So came home made dinner I had eggs and raisin bread then we lighted some fireworks off, It was so much fun. The people camping at the Cane River where making noises when our fireworks went off it was pretty funny. Now Christopher is making nachos I guess where going to watch the golden child with Eddie Murphy I don't rememeber ever seeing it. But maybe I was really young or somethine like that. I hope it's a funny as the cover is lol!. Wow that moview was a crack up. The 80's music is so corny but I enjoyed it anways :). I decided it was time to take a bath/shower and now I'm ready to sleep. ;)
July 5, 2009
I woke up at about 10:30am and found the Christopher was already awake and up. He was making some fliers for his shows coming up in Los Angeles at the end of July. We decided to have a little breakfast, French toast and sausage and then decided to take a nap just a little bit longer. When I woke up I noticed that Chrisophter had hand picked me some wildflowers from the garden around his house. They where really pretty. I enjoyed them. I was hungry when we woke up so I grilled a ham and cheese sandwich then I started to play a little guitar trying to learn this song for my uncles wedding Saturday. Christopher is working down stairs then we are thinking about driving over to Bristol, VA to watch a movie and spend the night up there because tomorrow we plan o visit Christopher’s mom and grandma over in Forest, VA. So we'll see how long Christopher takes to get ready. At about 8pm we started to drive over to Bristol VA to see the movie Public Enimies with Johnny Depp, It looks like it will be pretty good. While on the drive up I decided to play my Sim3 game on my iphone. Its so handy to have. Because this drive is taking a while so I have something to entertain me. I reserved a room before we left, we are planning on checking in at the hotel first then going off to see the moview. We'll see how long it takes to get there but I don't think the movie starts till 10:10 or so we should have enough time. We ate pizza in the car for dinner. We cooked it before we left the house so we would have time to make it. It only took us about 45 mins to get to Bristol, VA we checked in and then headed over to the movies we saw public enemies it was pretty good. Now we are back at the Microtel Inn getting ready for bed.
July 6,2009
We woke up from the Microtel Inn & Suites I went down stairs and grabbed a bagel and some muffins because I was really hungry. After I ate I went back to sleep beside Christopher, we cuddled a bit and I feel asleep. But I was startled when I woke up because my alarm was set for 10:45 and we had to check out at 11. I jumped out of bed so fast because I wanted to be able to take a shower because today we where going to be driving to Forest, VA and I was going to meet his mom and grandma for the first time so I wanted to look nice an presentable. Christopher got ready and the maid started banging on the door. Then a few mins later the Front Desk Called us to remind us that we had to check out soon. Man talk about pushy. Anyways we checked out now we are headed out on the road to Forest Virginia. I played my Sims3 game some more while we drove up there. We stopped in Wytheville to get some gas and tape up the front light and we ate at another waffle house I had biscuits and sausage gravy it was yummy and we are back on the road and listing to Ryan Adams Gold album and I'm going to play my Sims game. The countryside is pretty and green. We stopped at a food lion and bought flowers then headed down the road and stopped at a truck stop to use the bathroom now we are about an hour away from the house. I meet Marlene and Arlene we looked thru catalogues made food I had a grilled salami and we snacked on stuff and watched true blood since it was still early. We ended up walking the dogs around the little town, they have lakes all over this place. It looks like a great vacation place to live, really nice and quite and not to far from civilization. The dogs where funny Johnny Cash and Mango are a crack up. While Molly just limps around, I guess its normal for old dogs to be so slow. But at least Molly still has spirit. When we got back to the house we snacked, watched the rest of true blood & watech a couple new episodes of Nurse Jackie. It was pretty entertaining. I liked spending time with Christopher and his Mom Marlene. She's a really nice lady. She seemed to really like the Four Leaf Clover plant that I gave them as a Hello Gift. Anyways after watching alot of TV we went to bed around 1:00am.
July 7, 2009
Today is me and Christophers 1 year aniversary and we are in Forest, VA at his grandmothers house. When I woke up there was sounds of people walking all throughout the house cause Arlene was going to be delivered her wheelchair today. I sleep really well. I headed upstairs to see what we where going to do about breakfast because I was really hungry. I didn't want to bother anyone with any cooking so I had cream of wheat with some fruit. I ate my breakfast in the patio area with Arlene and Christopher while Marlene was doing things in the kitchen. I told Arlene that we would try to play a couple of songs for her before we left. When I was finshed with breakfast I took a shower and then we packed up our stuff because today we are going to head back to North Carolina. When Arlene got up from her nap we played a little guitar and had a concert for them. I think they enjoyed Christopher and me playing for them. I gave Arlene a CD of my music before I left so they would have a chance to listen to it. We loaded up all our things in the car, then put the dogs in the car and are now on our way back to Burnsville, NC. We pulled over cause Christopher needed to stretch his legs and I needed to pee. We stopped at a truck stop to use the bathroom now we are going to snack on some food at Wendy’s. On the car ride home I just played my Sims3 game and occasionally took some photos of the road along the way. We stopped at a gas station so I a use the bathroom now we are back on the road. We just crossed the Tennessee Boarder and are about an hour away from the house. We stopped at an el matador near Johnson City too use the bathroom and Christopher got something to eat. When we got home we where exaugsted because the roadtrip took about 5 hours back to the house. I know that it's our aniversary and everything but since I wasn't feeling so good I just thought it would be a good idea to just stay home and rest. I watched a little OC upstairs while Christopher worked on things around the house. Then Christopher surprised me with a flower and some breakfast in bed. He made me some French toast and that's what we had for dinner. Afterwards we took another relaxing bath together and then he gave me a really relaxing anniversary massage and I felt wonderful and then went to sleep.
July 8,2009
We both seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of bed so I decided to stayed asleep until I felt better. I ended up waking up around 2:00pm in the afternoon and Christopher went out and picked me some flowers and we decided to start the day all over again. Right now Christopher is down stairs making me some blur berry pancakes I can smell them they smell really good. I ate my breakfast/lunch and now I'm up stairs and going to watch some OC and relax. We went for a little walk around his house just to get out and smell the nice mountain air. Christopher made us lunch rice, beans, and corn it was pretty good then Ben, Cassie, and Aspen came over for a bit and we all ate ice cream then they left and we watched a movie and went to sleep.
July 9, 2009
We woke up late and then Christopher made me some raisin bread and we ate some cereal I packed up my things so that it would all fit and it did thank god. Then we decided to take a bath together and enjoy what little time we have left together to spend. Then Christopher warmed up the rice & beans and we ate that for lunch and then got ready to go to the Asheville airport. On the way down to the airport we had to sit in 50min traffic cause they are doing some road construction that really sucked I was nervous about missing my flight. We got to the airport at about 5:30pm they let me board but I wasn't able to take my guitar with me because it was too late to check things into the plane. But at least I was able to make my flight! So I kissed Christopher goodbye and ran off to my plane with only 10mins before they take off. I made it on and we flew over to Houston. The Flight only took about 1.5 hours and when I got to Houston, TX it was such a pain because the terminal that I was leaving out of was like on the opposite side of the airport. I made it thought and my flight boarded at like 8:30pm. I landed in Los Angeles at about 10:25; Nitai came and picked me up from the airport. I got to my car and then drove home and said hello to my doggies and my mom and went to bed.
Friday, July 3, 2009
--Thankful Self--
Sometimes you feel you're nothing at all,
And that's all you'll ever be.
You study all your defects;
An empty life is all you see.
Instead of looking at what you haven't got,
Seeing only what you lack,
Focus on your blessings,
And get right back on track.
There are many good things about being you;
Count them one by one.
Your life has lots of comforts,
While others, they have none.
Many people have it much, much worse
Yet they have happiness.
They take joy in little things
They're thankful, though they have less.
Lift your spirits up right now;
Get out of that depression.
Find your thankful self,
And give it full expression.
Find the joy in little things;
Focus on fun and laughter.
See life's blessings all around,
And live happily ever after!
And that's all you'll ever be.
You study all your defects;
An empty life is all you see.
Instead of looking at what you haven't got,
Seeing only what you lack,
Focus on your blessings,
And get right back on track.
There are many good things about being you;
Count them one by one.
Your life has lots of comforts,
While others, they have none.
Many people have it much, much worse
Yet they have happiness.
They take joy in little things
They're thankful, though they have less.
Lift your spirits up right now;
Get out of that depression.
Find your thankful self,
And give it full expression.
Find the joy in little things;
Focus on fun and laughter.
See life's blessings all around,
And live happily ever after!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I am A woman, Only.
I am ...
A woman
With a full heart, hidden
Somewhere in an empty room ...
With eyes of a chocolate brown;
I wonder ...
If love is a tale made for children --
A granting of sweet dreams in their innocence --
A honey-coating to help their throats
Choke down the bitter draught ...
I hear ...
A voice that whispers warnings, half-formed,
Bodiless as hope, until I swear I cannot draw
Another breath unless this spectre be unmasked,
His lies mangled beneath my righteous tread;
I see ...
A woman, proud, uncompromising,
Diaphanous as air -- less, even, than the tears
That fall in desolation about her weary feet,
Salt poison pooled upon the withered ground ...
I want ...
A measure of quietude, a certain silence,
The echo of alone which heals me of dreaming,
The nothing that stills the wanting,
The numb, the cold that laughs at pain;
I am
A woman,
hidden ...
I pretend ...
That I can live forever -- that Time
Has no puissance but that which I afford Him --
And so, I can wait, I can be happy tomorrow,
Sleep is for the dead; but its ghosts haunt my waking ...
I feel ...
Too much -- too deeply to be directionless,
Too real for imagining, and yet the familiar eyes
Hold nothing of recognition -- only my reflection --
A meeting of shadows in sunlit glass;
I touch ...
The downy wings of hope, in wonder,
In reverence, in need, in hunger;
Alas, it burns my fingers as a flame,
A sacrilege, self-defined ...
I worry ...
That I am alone; that in my longing
I have forsaken all -- but oh, what reward,
What smile divine should light the path to freedom --
And how can I but heed the siren's call?
I cry ...
For having too much, for fear of bursting,
And then, when by the pouring of my soul
I lie, a vessel emptied, I cry again
For what was had, and lost;
I am
A woman,
empty ...
I understand
That life is what you make it,
That sometimes, the coat of many colors
That marks your triumphs brightly, blends only
To loneliest of grey ...
I say
That we are made by life, shaped,
Broken, perhaps -- unmade and voided --
But always, the core of us remains, waiting
With only faith, with trust, to be reborn;
I dream
Of bluest waters, reaching
With unnatural hands toward the faded sky,
Of dolphins that wander in seas without limits,
Carrying me water-breathing past corals and clouds ...
I try ...
To lead by example, knowing
That merely the telling holds no power;
A gift of giving is merely a day, while
A gift of knowing spans forever;
I hope ...
That my darkness holds you gently,
That pain is halved by sharing, that feeling
Wields nothing past the words it summons,
Except that it touch you with only healing ...
I am
A woman,
A woman
With a full heart, hidden
Somewhere in an empty room ...
With eyes of a chocolate brown;
I wonder ...
If love is a tale made for children --
A granting of sweet dreams in their innocence --
A honey-coating to help their throats
Choke down the bitter draught ...
I hear ...
A voice that whispers warnings, half-formed,
Bodiless as hope, until I swear I cannot draw
Another breath unless this spectre be unmasked,
His lies mangled beneath my righteous tread;
I see ...
A woman, proud, uncompromising,
Diaphanous as air -- less, even, than the tears
That fall in desolation about her weary feet,
Salt poison pooled upon the withered ground ...
I want ...
A measure of quietude, a certain silence,
The echo of alone which heals me of dreaming,
The nothing that stills the wanting,
The numb, the cold that laughs at pain;
I am
A woman,
hidden ...
I pretend ...
That I can live forever -- that Time
Has no puissance but that which I afford Him --
And so, I can wait, I can be happy tomorrow,
Sleep is for the dead; but its ghosts haunt my waking ...
I feel ...
Too much -- too deeply to be directionless,
Too real for imagining, and yet the familiar eyes
Hold nothing of recognition -- only my reflection --
A meeting of shadows in sunlit glass;
I touch ...
The downy wings of hope, in wonder,
In reverence, in need, in hunger;
Alas, it burns my fingers as a flame,
A sacrilege, self-defined ...
I worry ...
That I am alone; that in my longing
I have forsaken all -- but oh, what reward,
What smile divine should light the path to freedom --
And how can I but heed the siren's call?
I cry ...
For having too much, for fear of bursting,
And then, when by the pouring of my soul
I lie, a vessel emptied, I cry again
For what was had, and lost;
I am
A woman,
empty ...
I understand
That life is what you make it,
That sometimes, the coat of many colors
That marks your triumphs brightly, blends only
To loneliest of grey ...
I say
That we are made by life, shaped,
Broken, perhaps -- unmade and voided --
But always, the core of us remains, waiting
With only faith, with trust, to be reborn;
I dream
Of bluest waters, reaching
With unnatural hands toward the faded sky,
Of dolphins that wander in seas without limits,
Carrying me water-breathing past corals and clouds ...
I try ...
To lead by example, knowing
That merely the telling holds no power;
A gift of giving is merely a day, while
A gift of knowing spans forever;
I hope ...
That my darkness holds you gently,
That pain is halved by sharing, that feeling
Wields nothing past the words it summons,
Except that it touch you with only healing ...
I am
A woman,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Darkness is gone, Awake!

All of my senses are met by the morning
As I awake breathing in a new day,
Here by the window I opened last evening,
How the world changed while I drifted away.
Darkness is gone, though it seemed it would never;
Sunlight is smiling and nature survives.
I can believe that we all live forever
When I observe how the morning arrives.
Birds sing their concert and children are playing;
Flowers have scented the air and it’s free;
Life is renewed and it seems to be saying
There is a place in its promise for me.
There are some times in our lives when we savor
Being a part of a much larger plan.
Life is a feast and we each add a flavor;
I’ll make it better, believing I can.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Farie Bellz
Just existing in a daydream
I was letting time and days pass by
Didn't know what I was missing
Till you came into my life
When I saw you
I was glowing deep inside
When I kissed you
I felt you light my life!
Now I'm flying
I'm on the wings of love
And I know this burning heart
Of fire, knows only you my love.
Holding hands, we walk together
Nothings gonna make us part
You know our love will last forever
It's the song sung in our hearts
Making love, is oh! So sweet!
Lost in each others eyes
As our bodies feel the heat
And passion start to rise.
Because I'm flying
I'm on the wings of love
And I know this burning heart
Of fire, knows only you my love.
In love's dream, I'm so alive
Of time and days, how they fly by
Now, we really know how love feels
I can't help it, I'm smiling all the time
When you're with me
To feel your warmth, here by my side
When you touch me
You bring me joy, I just can't hide.
So now, we're flying
We're on the wings of love
And I know our burning hearts
Are truly blessed from up above.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Power of Friends
Everyone knows of the power of friends,
The terrific result, when everything blends.
When people have friends, they don’t stand alone;
Friends always help, when you face the unknown.
Friends give you courage to face problems untold,
So the love of a friend can help make you bold.
They can help you to live a much richer life,
So your every day living will be less filled with strife.
Thanks for being my friend!
The terrific result, when everything blends.
When people have friends, they don’t stand alone;
Friends always help, when you face the unknown.
Friends give you courage to face problems untold,
So the love of a friend can help make you bold.
They can help you to live a much richer life,
So your every day living will be less filled with strife.
Thanks for being my friend!
Friday, June 5, 2009
love me the hard way
love me the hard way
want me the wrong way
give into the longing
i'd give it to you
show me what i've been missing
there is a time and a place
i can show you if you'd let me
don't tell me i'm wrong
cause i know you feel it too
do it anyways
you can't see inside my mind
but if you could you would see yourself there
so love me the hard way
what are you waiting for?
want me the wrong way
give into the longing
i'd give it to you
show me what i've been missing
there is a time and a place
i can show you if you'd let me
don't tell me i'm wrong
cause i know you feel it too
do it anyways
you can't see inside my mind
but if you could you would see yourself there
so love me the hard way
what are you waiting for?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
New Song Self-Sabotage
You’re a little bit older now.
You’re supposed to be a little bit wiser now.
I don’t know whom you think your fooling
I don’t know what you expect from me
You see I don’t think you understand that it’s not right
You’re a little bit wiser now
You’re a little bit angry too
You see prince charming that isn’t going to come and save you.
You’re a little bit wiser now
You’re a little bit selfish too
You’re a little bit older now
And no I can’t save and I cant save you. No. No.
You’re a little bit to scared to admit that life is not just going your way
What happens when the sun never shines? Will the rain ever stop?
What if god won’t save you? What if god won’t save you?
You’re a little bit older now
You’re supposed to be a little bit wiser too
Now I can’t save and I wont save you
Cause you honey you don’t know what you’re doing to you
You don’t know what you’re doing to you
You don’t know
You’re a little bit older now
You think you’d be wiser too
You see if you cared anything about you
You wouldn’t let them touch you for money. No. No.
You where supposed to be smarter now
But every time you take off your cloths,
Honey, You see them tossing money at you don’t make it right
It doesn’t make it right.
And I can’t save you
And I wont save you
And I wont love you
And I wont save you
And I don’t want to change you
But I can’t stand for you
And I wont love you
You where supposed to be a little bit older now
You where supposed to be a little bit wiser too
Don’t let them change you
And just because you cut your hair and dye it
It doesn’t make you a brand new person
And just because they pay you
It don’t make it right
Cause honey I won’t be there to save
And I can’t be around to watch you die
And I’ve done that too many times
Just because I’m not around don’t mean I don’t love you
Maybe I’m not around cause it hurts me to see you self sabotage
And honey just because they pay you
It don’t make it right
And I wont be there to save you
And I wont be there to watch you fall
And I know you can try to blame me
But honey I just love you too much to watch you slowly die.
Slowly die
Slowly die
And I hope god finds you
And I hope you find happiness too
Good luck to you
And I wont be there to watch you die
And I wont be there to watch you cry
And it don’t mean that I don’t love you
Maybe I love you too much to watch you self-sabotage
Love you too much to watch you kill yourself.
You’re supposed to be a little bit wiser now.
I don’t know whom you think your fooling
I don’t know what you expect from me
You see I don’t think you understand that it’s not right
You’re a little bit wiser now
You’re a little bit angry too
You see prince charming that isn’t going to come and save you.
You’re a little bit wiser now
You’re a little bit selfish too
You’re a little bit older now
And no I can’t save and I cant save you. No. No.
You’re a little bit to scared to admit that life is not just going your way
What happens when the sun never shines? Will the rain ever stop?
What if god won’t save you? What if god won’t save you?
You’re a little bit older now
You’re supposed to be a little bit wiser too
Now I can’t save and I wont save you
Cause you honey you don’t know what you’re doing to you
You don’t know what you’re doing to you
You don’t know
You’re a little bit older now
You think you’d be wiser too
You see if you cared anything about you
You wouldn’t let them touch you for money. No. No.
You where supposed to be smarter now
But every time you take off your cloths,
Honey, You see them tossing money at you don’t make it right
It doesn’t make it right.
And I can’t save you
And I wont save you
And I wont love you
And I wont save you
And I don’t want to change you
But I can’t stand for you
And I wont love you
You where supposed to be a little bit older now
You where supposed to be a little bit wiser too
Don’t let them change you
And just because you cut your hair and dye it
It doesn’t make you a brand new person
And just because they pay you
It don’t make it right
Cause honey I won’t be there to save
And I can’t be around to watch you die
And I’ve done that too many times
Just because I’m not around don’t mean I don’t love you
Maybe I’m not around cause it hurts me to see you self sabotage
And honey just because they pay you
It don’t make it right
And I wont be there to save you
And I wont be there to watch you fall
And I know you can try to blame me
But honey I just love you too much to watch you slowly die.
Slowly die
Slowly die
And I hope god finds you
And I hope you find happiness too
Good luck to you
And I wont be there to watch you die
And I wont be there to watch you cry
And it don’t mean that I don’t love you
Maybe I love you too much to watch you self-sabotage
Love you too much to watch you kill yourself.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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