The World - Past
Four of Wands - Present
Ten of Cups - Future

The World card marks a time in your life in which one cycle is over and the next is just beginning. It represents the final achievement of all your worldly expectations and desires, and the immenent approach of new desires to follow and new goals to puruse. The World itself remains the ultimate goal, because it is an affirmation of life and an arrival at a perfect state of harmony and bliss. This is the confirmation of success and the reward for all your trials and ordeals. With the coming of the World comes assured success and material well-being, as well as emotional fulfillment, and growth in the spiritual sense.

The applied and established strength of the Two and Three leads to the first stage of completion and rest, shown in the Four of Wands. This is a time to look back on all that you have done and be glad that you have done it. This would seem to very many people like a wholly positive card, but there is a conflict between the dynamic expansion of the Wands and the very restrictive and limiting numnber four. This shows primarily that, while success can be enjoyed for a while, you cannot rest on your laurels. You must never stop growing, learning, and living.

The cynics among us might scoff at the idyllic lifestyle painted for them on the Ten of Cups, especially the rainbow of Cups draped across the sky. But this is how almost everyone pictures true love, in a sense - nothing but joy and happiness for the rest of their days. This wish is a simple one, and indeed, the existence shown on the Ten of Cups, with the rolling hills and the small house on the horizon, is a simple exitence as well. And in the midst of this simplicity, the hearts of the man and woman are filled with the love of the spirit - the simplest and greatest joy of all.
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