Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Choose The Right Words To Make A Better Future.

For I am learning that words are what define our future. The lack of words, the wrong words, the right words. Words are what make us different than any other animal on this planet. The ability to communicated is so strong, so meaningful so beautiful. Or words or the lack of words can be our downfall our failure our disappointment our hell. Somewhere along the line I have lost the ability to communicate to you how I really feel and what I really think of you. Somewhere along the way it is only my fear and my anger and my doubts that I have communicated to you, instead of my love, hope and dreams and for that I am sorry. For all my fear, anger and doubts aren't how I really feel or what I really think of you. I make a conscious decision to only say what I mean and say what I feel in my heart to be love. I no longer choose to communicate in words of fear for that is not the person I know that I can be. For the words of fear and doubt are not the words that will inspire you to grow or for us to live to our fullest potential or for us to achieve our dreams. I understand that the only words that will inspire  encouragement, love, kindness and support that are the words that come from love.The words that come from my heart and my true spirit.

I forgive you. I forgive myself. Forgiveness is what starts the healing process, the process of letting go. It is the first step in building trust and honesty again. From here on out I promise and I choose to be impeccable with my words and my actions towards you, towards myself or anyone else in my path. I only ask that you do the same if we are to continue to have any kind of future together. That is the kind of partnership, relationship and friendship that I choose to have today and in my future. I hope you can understand and  I hope you would like to be a part of it.

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