I found myself cleaning my closet the other day and going thru things, memories, old cloths.. There was alot of pain in a few of those items. I want my house to be clean and organized. I'm 40 now well at least for the next month and then I turn 41! My father died at 40, in someway I guess I alway thought that I wouldn't live past 40 either for some reason. When I was 10, 40 seemed like such a far away age.
Here I am.
What have I done with my life in the last 30 years? I wrote another post about that "recounting the years"
“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face.”
That is how I felt going thru my old things my many costumes. I prioritize other peoples goals, dreams, wishes and value their love and happiness more than my own most my life. So I decided I would go back to the basics. Clear away all these physical things that take up space give them away to someone else who will find joy in them because when I look at them they no longer bring me joy.. So they serve no purpose in my life other than to remind me of the past.
I have alot of clutter in my life and I believe that journaling and letting go will finally help me to heal and step into the person I know I can be. The best version of myself.
Annabelle's such a blessing in my life and with ALL the DRAMA that I've gone thru with her -- I think its best to again = Go BACK TO THE BASICS.
I found this blog from the same fortune you got years ago. “You will touch the hearts of many”. A lot of your stories and seeing your blog in general has touched my heart.
I received my fortune after my father was hospitalized and died twice. It was a little message and I felt okay in that moment of seeing it. It felt eery and surreal flipping the fortune over.
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