Friday, September 7, 2012

"Holy Fire"

Mother, pure and holy fire,
Burning every false desire.
In out soul Thy radiance glows.
None can fear that fire who knows.
It transforms the base and lowly
Into something pure and holy.
Dazzling, glowing, ever healing,
Truth in every heart revealing.

Mother, sacred, cleansing flame,
Softly now we breathe Thy name.
On Thine Altar fire we lay
All our burden of the day.
Every worldly thought and yearning,
Joy and sorry for Thy burning.
In full trust with Thee we leave them.
Bright, transforming Flame receive them.

Holy offerings, rich and rare
Must be then far more than prayer.
All we are or hope to be
Here and now we offer Thee.
Good and Ill, yea, all our being,
All our tasting, hearing, seeing.
All we are we lay before Thee,
Oh, consume us, we implore Thee.

- Prayer by Swami Paramananda
Arranged by Sister Daya

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