Sunday, September 9, 2012

Now and forever my old flame.

Now and forever my old old flame.
Oh how sometimes I wish you would head my way.
My Dear... I can detect you old familiar walk and your long legs
walking and stumbling along my path.
Wake up! Wake Up dear Girl!
I can hear myself saying:
This is not the time to get weak in the knees and surrender.
Whatever you do, don't look in those deep set big
eyes. You know they will engulf you and take
you to delicious places, spaces...
Let the memories fade.....
Sometimes they say old flame has a rapid way to catch afire.
And just thinking about us....
Oh how my loins are definitely ablaze.
The memories haunt me so....
I'll try my utmost best to avoid the memory of his full and appealing lips..
I'll avoid running into another mans arms because you have left a
space in my that can only be filled by you and your love..
You accidentally left a piece of your soul within me.
I carry it wherever I go.
They yearning...
The wanting..
The needing..
The craving...
Ok OK.... time to stop dreaming and drifting in the space between the
past and the future.
Time to solidify.
Time to let go.
I now know...
Some people come in your life and change the way you think and feel.
I once had a great, great love.
One that filled me up with so much hope and faith.
I thought I would never love again...
Until this man came into my life.
He helped me see the world with bigger eyes, made me stand up and open
my heart to compassion.
The gratefulness I feel, will always be with me in my times of sorrow and need.
Even thought we went our separate ways...
I'll always be thankful for the love I had and will always remember.
If it's the only love I experience the rest of my life..
It will be enough.
I can be patient.
I can be kind and loving to myself without you in my life.
My friend,
My mentor,
My admirer,
My lover,
My companion,
My musical writing partner how I miss you so.
I hope you find peace where ever you are.
My loving thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Now and forever my old old flame.
I will hold you near and dear around the corners of my heart.

©Crislyn Sand 9.9.12

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