Sunday, May 31, 2015

June Bug came and visited me

June Bug/Beetle - May Bug/Beetle

Although there is naturally a great attraction to spiritual matters, June Bug/Beetle will show how to balance and remain grounded. His wisdom teaches to navigate what is hidden in the sub/unconscious realms. Pay attention to nocturnal activities: dream time, journeys, and moments of waking, along with meditational impressions. Expect emotions to come to the surface as well as being emotionally tested in order to clean and clear the way for new and better things. Mental, spiritual, emotional movement appears in sets of 3. Pay attention to synchronicities. He demonstrates exterior strength and fortitude and the use of a tough outer shell when needed. June Bug/Beetle demonstrates a higher intuition connection and a keen sense of discernment in all areas. He will show how to dig for answers to reveal the truths you need. He shows how to move with a sharp sense of timing. His medicine represents opportunities to recycle, reinvent and repurpose what you have, know, think and act. This self-reinvention may include participating in larger groups to expand knowledge and awareness. A balanced diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains. May or June is a significant indicator of events. The time period for June Bug/Beetle has various stages. Take notice of circumstances, dreams, wishes and encounters that may happen within the next two to five days. In 3 to 4 weeks lessons will be coming to swift manifestation. Be ready. In the last two to three years, have you been inspired to do something, have unfinished projects or endeavors that have been delayed? He will show how to progress forward as it is time to emerge.[Images]

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

There are times..

There are times
when I feel your presence
at my side

There are times
when I hear you say
it will be alright

There are times
when I see
your face in a crowd
and I turn around

There are times
when I miss you
and my heart begins to ache
and I smile through the pain

But then there are times
when I realize
this is just the way
it has to be
there’s no you and me

There are times when
I feel strong
and I know that I
can finally move on

There are times when
my mind is at ease
and I can enjoy life
and all it can bring

There are times when
I miss you
and times when I’m okay
it’s getting better everyday

No matter how much time
there is in this life
I’ll think of you
from time to time
and remember you with a smile.