Saturday, October 22, 2016


"Sometimes God challenges you
to find strength you don't have.
Only like this will you go beyond
your imagined limits.
You must be pushed so far
that you are forced to be humble.
Only then, when your pride and arrogance are
crushed, will you discover muscles that are not yours.
You will find and use the muscles of God.
When you completely abandon yourself, your ego,
this miracle becomes possible."

~ Mooji

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Another Saturday night

Last night out before I give birth and am a momma!!! :)

Viva cantina - hanging with Peter!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Um - ya there goes my plug

I woke up today and there was like browish tint stuff in my panties. I freaked out called some nurses and other Mommas and they told me probably my bloody show -- aka my mucous plug coming out soon.. That was at 9am -- now 1pm a clump of gooey stringy stuff came out stil browish color. I believe it was part of my plug. 
Well I guess the little Monkie girls gonna be coming soon!! 