Saturday, March 13, 2021

Loving you.

 Loving you.

There are times where I refuse to.

There are moments where I can't stop.

There is a part of me that will always belong to you.

A part of you that has imprinted itself into my soul.

I cannot run away.

I cannot hide.

It simply is part of loving you.

The pain of rejection.

The satisfaction of pleasure.

The denial and the acceptance.

Loving you is hard.

Challenging, compromising.

The push and the pull.

I want you.

I can't stand you.

Will it always be this way?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 We've only just begun to live

White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way
We've only begun

Before the rising sun we fly
So many roads to choose
We start out walking and learn to run
And yes, we've just begun

Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talking it over just the two of us
Working together day to day

And when the evening comes we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
And yes, We've just begun