Saturday, October 22, 2011

Open my...

Open my heart,
seeing that you already have the key,
Open my heart to meet with the pleasure of your life,
Open my heart,
So far you will find your heart desire,
Open my heart to come accross your life wonders,
Open my heart,
To determine that it was for good,
Open my heart,
To get to know utterly its aspiration,
Open my heart,
In order to find what I devoted for you,
Open my heart,
That's the only way to verify the truth,
Open my heart,
To find no difficulty to trust me,
Open my heart,
This where resides the true love,
Open my heart,
I'm so exhausted to give evidence of love,
Open my heart,
I can't resist no more, even for a second,
Open my heart.
...and that would be a passionate triumph!

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"I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life" - Louise L. Hay

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