Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Seconds pass by,
seems like infinity.

Relaxing thoughts,
I enjoy the tranquility.

Faith has been restored,
just in time for deception.

A dance with the devil,
at his reception.

At first, I respectfully decline
knowing well his ways of temptation.

He urges me to come forth,
to embrace his manipulation.

I struggle inside,
with good and bad.

I'm stronger than this,
how pitiful I am, how sad.

But, wanting and needing
I feel my own heart bleeding.

Desires of the flesh manipulating my mind,
knowing this is his power to win my kind.

I give in to what feels so right,
the devil is now just an oversight.

Moment of truth, my decisions were wrong,
my punishment will be harsh and strong.

Slapped with reality,
not knowing the vitality.

Hungry regrets,
as I laid down his bets.

Sufficated by silence,
fear is within.

Wanting to cry,
not knowing how.

The Devil subsides,
he wants me to bow.

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